Sermons and Other Audio

Sermons and Other Audio

Six Pictures of the Church - Part 2

Six Pictures of the Church - Part 2

  1. The One Body (Eph. 4:1-16) 
    • In the context of Paul's appeal for unity... (v. 1-3)
    • God's provisions for the unity He desires (v. 4-16;2:16)
    • Our place in the body depends on the purity of our walk (4:17ff)
  2. The Bride of Christ (Eph. 5:22-32)
    • Christ's headship, authority. (v. 22-24; 1:22-23; Mt. 28:18)
    • His love, care, and desires for her. (v. 25-32)
  3. The Army of the Lord (Eph. 6:10-18)
    • The spiritual warfare we face. (v. 10-12; cf. 2 Cor. 10:3-5)
    • Divine provisions / equipment for battle (v. 13-17)
    • Constant communications with our Commander (v. 18)
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