Compartmentalized Christianity
Jeremy Paschall
- PM Sunday Worship
- Introduction (Col. 3:1-4)
- Common "compartmentalization" mentally about our lives...
- This concept often infiltrates our spiritual lives.
- Two common boxes:
- Having obeyed the gospel? (Mk. 16:16; etc.)
- Essentially, this is a "once saved always saved" mentality.
- Contrast Acts 2:42; 8:4,13; 9:19-20ff; 10:48; 16:15,34; etc.
- Going to church? (Heb.10:25; etc.)
- Essentially, this is a "sacremental" mentality, i.e. thinking that there is inherent benefit in ritualistic obedience.
- Contrast Mt. 5:23-24
- A much larger box called "godliness"
- Not a compartmentalized faith, but a comprehensive faith! (Col. 3:1-4:6)
- The Biblical mentality for those "who have been raised up with Christ" (3:1)
- Higher calling (3:1), higher focus (3:2), self-sacrifice (3:3), consummate godliness (3:3-4; cf. Gal. 2:20)...
- Morality / heart (3:5-15)
- Worship (3:16-17)
- Home / family (3:18-21)
- Work (3:22-4:1)
- Prayer (4:2-4)
- Evangelism (4:5-6)
- The outcome of such comprehensive faith? (3-4)
- ?Conclusion
- Not "just enough religion to make you miserable."
- Not a dabbler, but a disciple! (Mk. 12:28-30; Lk. 9:23; 14:27ff; Mt. 11:28-30)