Sermons and Other Audio

Sermons and Other Audio

Try Jesus' Way

Try Jesus' Way

  1. Introduction
    • Jesus had just begun His earthly work in Nazareth and Capernaum, preaching and healing.
    • He had quickly become both famous and infamous
    • Consequently, large crowds began to follow Him from place to place (Lk. 4:37, 42-44; 5:1-11)
    • From these events, what do we learn?
  2. Try Jesus' way! (Lk. 5:4-5)
    • A carpenter's son from a landlocked Nazareth was telling a professional fisherman how to fish?
    • But notice Simon's response... (v.5)
    • NKJV: "Nevertheless at your word, I will..."
    • NIV: "But because you say so, I will..."
  3. Stand in awe! (Lk. 5:6-10a)
    • Neither Simon nor his partners expected the result, and they responded with genuine awe. (v. 8)
    • We need to be equally impressed when we witness what divine power can do in our lives.
    • In response, we must never fail to thank and praise the Lord. (17:11-19; cf. Mt. 5:16)
    • Having persuaded them of His power, Jesus gave them a new line of work. (cf. Mt. 4:19)
  4. Follow the Lord! (Lk. 5:11)
    • When Simon, James and John saw the Lord's power, they left everything to become disciples...
    • Because faith without works is dead! (James 2)
    • When we see what great things the Lord can do for our lives, we must respond the same. (Lk. 9:23)
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