Sermons and Other Audio

Sermons and Other Audio

The Simplicity of Serving the Lord

The Simplicity of Serving the Lord

  1. Introduction (Dt. 30:11-20)
    • Among Moses' final words, reaffirmation of Israel's covenant, fundamentals of their fellowship w/ God.
    • Overwhelmingly complex? But ultimately simple!
  2. God's will is accessible.
    • It "is not too difficult for you, nor is it our of reach." (Dt. 30:11; cf. v.12-13)
    • "But the word is very near you... that you may observe it." (v. 14; cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:3; Jude 3)
  3. God gives us choice. (cf. Josh 24:14; Mt. 7:13-14)
    • "See, I have set before you today life and prosperity..." (v.15a)
    • "and death and adversity." (v. 15b)
  4. God offers to bless. (v. 16; cf. Lev. 26; Dt. 27-28; Mt. 5:3-12; 6:1f, 19-33; 7:21-27)
  5. God warns that He will punish. (v.17-18; 2 Th. 1:7ff)
  6. God wants us to "choose life." (v.19)
    • "by loving... by obeying... by holding fast..." (v.20)
    • This is the key to life and blessing! (2 Tim. 4:6-8)
  7. Conclusion
    • Ultimately, the message of the Bible is simple:
      • God is powerful!
      • Love God!
      • Obey God!
      • God loves you!
    • The message is simple.  What will you do with it?
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